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Project Runway News

(E! Online) is reporting that Project Runway's Nina Garcia is searching for the latest look—in employment. Word has it, Elle magazine's recently ousted fashion consultant might just be heading to Harper's Bazaar.

Will that mean Runway winners get a spread in Harper's Bazaar instead of Elle? Could this be part of the show's potential move from Bravo to Lifetime? And can plaids be matched with other prints? Oh, the questions we have.

But back to Garcia. We don't know if the sensibilities of Runway will mesh as well with HB as they do with Elle, but as will undoubtedly say, they'll just have to "make it work."

Will Nina Walk Runway to Harper's Bazaar?(E! Online)

E! Online Photo: Will Nina Walk Runway to Harper's Bazaar?(E! Online)

"Runway" producers Dan Cutforth and Jane Lipsitz confirmed that they will not follow the hit series when it moves to Lifetime.

This month, the company agreed to relocate the show from New York to Los Angeles for its sixth cycle to please host Heidi Klum, who prefers to work closer to her family. The company also has secured a deal with the show's popular mentor, Tim Gunn. The company has not yet signed judges Nina Garcia and Michael Kors for the Lifetime version.

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