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BBB Advice

BBB Advice on Determining When to Do-It-Yourself or Hire a Professional

For homeowners planning to take on major projects around the house this spring, BBB offers the following advice to help them make informed decisions on whether or not they need to enlist the help of professionals.

Know what you’re getting into
Cosmetic changes, such as painting or wallpaper are easy DIY projects. Structural changes, such as plumbing, wiring, or framing are typically best left to the professionals. Even moving a bathroom sink a few inches can become a huge hassle involving re-routing the plumbing, painting, caulking, and tiling. BBB recommends that DIYers do some research on the project and realistically consider what they can do well, and ask for advice from friends and family to ensure they understand the scope of the project.

Hiring a professional
If the project requires specialized skills, could take an extensive amount of time or calls for additional manpower, hiring a contractor may be the best option. BBB recommends obtaining at least three detailed estimates. Homeowners should compare the estimates and negotiate on issues that are important to them because changing plans once the project is underway often involves additional expenses.

Divide the work
One way homeowners can defray costs is to work with a contractor to determine what they can do on their own. Demolition work on the front end and clean-up or cosmetic work such as painting or putting up wallpaper on the back end are DIY projects that can keep costs down while the homeowner still reaps the benefit of having an expert for the “heavy lifting” that requires more skill.

Weigh the costs
While hiring professionals is an added expense to any project, they often have relationships with suppliers and can usually get materials for much cheaper than a homeowner can. For DIYers, BBB recommends comparison shopping. Saving money requires research, both online and with visits to home improvement and specialty supply stores. Homeowners can check out suppliers free online with BBB Reliability ReportsTM at www.bbb.org.

Get the right tools for the job
Some DIY jobs can be done with as little as a screwdriver or a hammer, but most require specialized tools and equipment that add to the cost of the project. To achieve the desired results, it’s important to use the right tools, which can mean renting large equipment and machinery as well as buying new tools and accessories.

For more trustworthy BBB advice on DIY projects, and to find reliable information on choosing and working with contractors, go to www.bbb.org

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